Support The Site

Help support the site through a small contribution or by providing blog content about a treatment that you have personally tried or a topic that you have researched.

Buy Me a Coffee

From the website's start in 2002 to the latest upgrade in 2023, I have been paying the website hosting and domain fees to maintain the site because I have received so many emails from people all over the world saying thank you for the information. From your emails it is clear that we still need better treatment for chronic tendon problems.

Web hosting fees have increased significantly over the last few years, and with this current website update I am adding an option to donate a little bit to help offset my costs. If you'd like to support the site you can use this link to "buy me a coffee" and cover a bit of the website upkeep. Thank you so very much in advance for anything you'd like to contribute

Image for a button that links to the Buy Me A Coffee app page. This link allows visitors to make small donations to help support the Tendon Injury site.

Contribute Content

If you'd like to contribute blog post content to the site or be interviewed for a blog post, please email me at I'd love to interview some patients about their experiences with new tendinopathy treatments. You could be anonymous if you prefer. Personal experiences are anecdotal "n of one" trials, but I think that readers would gain value by learning what it is like to go through some of the new procedures.