Replicel Completes Phase 1 Study Of Cell Therapy

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Research News

by Laurie Erickson.


Research abstract and photos of two lead authors from Perelman School of Medicine.

Replicel is developing a hair-folical-derived stem cell therapy to treat tendon injuries. The treatment involves taking a scalp biopsy and culturing the cells to harvest fibroblast cells that can then produce new collagen. Replicel says that the dermal-derived fibroblasts are prolific producers of Type I collagen.

Replicel provides an interesting info sheet on their treatment here. They also provide a full text copy of their Phase I Acilles tendinopathy trial here. The treatment appeared to help healing in chronic tendinopathy in patients with unilateral injury, but it did not help the small number of patients with bilateral injury. Further study is needed.